Let’s take a quick look at the pros of purchasing cheap auto insurance. First and foremost, you’re going to save money. That’s a no brainer! You’re going to pay less every month in premiums, sometimes as much as 40% less than you would through some of the "big name" insurance companies. Can you imagine what you’d do with an extra 40% of your income? Take a night out, save it up for a vacation, buy a new car! You can undoubtedly find something better to do with a little extra money that send it to a nameless, faceless auto insurance corporation on the chance that you might have an accident.
Another perk to cheap auto insurance is that your coverage usually isn’t cheap. In order to remain competitive most companies that offer cheap insurance also offer the same full coverage that you would have if you were paying twice as much a month in premiums! As long as you are meeting your state’s minimum coverage requirements you can comfortably choose to do business with any insurance company you want.
Friday, March 28, 2008
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